jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019

A text.

Next Wednesday, or Thursday, we will read this text at class. I know it is difficult; but we will try it.

Hi. My name is Alfred. Today I go to the hospital. I go by ambulance, because my leg is broken. Gema, my doctor, says that I will be fine in 40 days. I need crutches for walking; I also take three pills a day.
In the hospital I see many sick people: wounded persons, children suffering chickenpox, patients with problems in their lungs, kidneys, liver... I have made a friend: a blind boy named Johnny. He is very funny.
In the hospital I know a very nice nurse. Her name is Jill. Jill is always looking after everybody. She puts injections, she wrap bandages, she pushes wheelchairs... always smiling. She never gets angry. Never.

Crossword. Illness and pain.

Play this crossword game. It is very important for the exam:

Illness and pain

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2019

Some food games.

I let here a list with food games. Today we will play it at class:

Food game I Find the food at the kitchen.

Pirate game food

Food crossword

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

Next English Exam

On next Thursday (December, the 5th), we will do an English Exam. Topic: Sick and pain. Study.

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019


Today we have play some games related to food. I have prepared two games for training this vocabulary. Play them:

Food I

Food II

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2019

Halloween exam.

Next wednesday, November the 13th, we will do an exam about halloween monsters. Study the photocopy.

Sick and illness.

A new photocopy we will work very soon.

And the game:

Sickness and pain.

Listening game.

Today we will also deal with this game, for working listening comprehension skills:

gems game

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2019

Halloween memory game and mosaic game.

I have found a Halloween memory game. Easy, but funny. Enjoy it!

Halloween memory game.

And this is a matching game. Also easy, but useful:

Halloween matching game.

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2019

Halloween word roulette.

I have prepared this roulette for Halloween. We will work it on Wednesday; but you can try it by yourselves:

Halloween (and more). Word roulette.

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

Halloween games.

Today it's Halloween. We are going to play different games related to this festivity:

Haunted house.

Haunted house II

In a dark dark... Short story.

The scary skeleton. Song.

We will also start a new photocopy: Halloween monsters and stuff:

Halloween monsters game

Monsters test

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2019

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019

Body parts.

A game with body parts. I don't remember if I uploaded it; so I leave it here again.

Body parts

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019

New English Photocopy.

We are working with this photocopy:

Words: Doctor, nurse, pill, aid band, bandage, injection (syringe), stretcher, ambulance, plaster leg, wheel chair, patch, crutch, thermometer, wound, chickenpox, deaf boy, blind boy, dropper, patient, syrup, lungs, heart, brain, intestines, liver, kidneys, stomach, schalpel, needle and thread.

And this is the game for studying it:

Medical vocabulary.

Also a crossword for practicing reading and writing:

Medical Crossword

Examen de Inglés. English Exam.

Next Wednesday we'll do our first English exam. Don't be scared about it; it is easy, and I know that all children know what to do in order to make it right.

What is it about? Only Body parts: Head, ears, eyebrow, nose... Children don't need to rememer how to write the words, because they appear in the exam. They only have to bear in mind the correspondence between these words and body parts.

Good luck.

El miércoles, día 23, haremos el primer examen de Inglés. No os preocupéis; es fácil, y estoy seguro de que todas las alumnas y alumnos lo sacarán bien.

El examen es solo de partes del cuerpo. No hay que recordar cómo se escriben las palabras, porque éstas aparecen en el examen. Sólo hay que recordar a qué parte del cuerpo hacen referencia.

Buena suerte.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

Actions II.

The second instalment of actions. Tomorrow we play it at class.

Actions II

New vocabulary. Physical appeareance.

Study the new photocopy with this game:

Physical appeareance

And this is the vocabulary we have learnt: tall, short, fat, thin, old, young, beautiful, ugly, handsome, freckles, moustache, beard, curly hair, straight hair, bald, earring, necklace, bracelet, tie, bowtie, strong, weak, ponytail, plait, hair bun, wrinkles, spot.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

Actions I

Today at class we have learnt some English actions. I let here a game for learning them:

Actions I

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019

Hello everyone.

Hello. My name is David Fernández Izquierdo. I will be your English teacher along this academic year 2019 / 2020. This blog will be a place where I will share many kinds of contents: videos, songs, English texts, online grammar excercises, online English games... The blog will also work like an online textbook.

Welcome to my English class!!