viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

Actions IX.

Next game about actions:

Actions IX


I let you here some games for studying prison vocabulary:

Prison I

Prison II

And a picture dictionary.

And a text for today, or maybe on next week:

In 2010 I stole a Van Gogh painting, but the police caught me. I was condemned, and I have to stay in the jail 20 years and one day. Too much time for me. I remember how the judge hit the table with his hammer. My lawyer looked me and said: "I'm sorry, lad". I was jailed in Rulton, the safest prison in the world. Today I waste my time in a small and stinky cell, sharing the space with a thug and with the snitch of the jail.

The prison? I can define it as a dark, sad and grey pit. High brick walls covered with razor wire; a wire fence which surrounds the yard and iron bars in every window or door. My cell is closed with bolt and lock. The wardens show me the key, making fun of me. But they don't know that I have the last laugh. I've secretly dug a tunnel under my bed, and this night I will sneak away. At 3 o'clock I'll crawl along the hole, arriving beyond the prison walls at 3.20. There, a car will pick up me. My intention is to travel to Nepal, where I'm going to hide myself some months. Later, I will start a new life in Moscow, Rusia.

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Clothing. Writing games.

Some games which I have prepared. With them you will learn how to write all vocabulary related to clothing:

Clothing Crossword I

Clothing Crossword II

And a bit more difficult game. Do not try it at home. Tomorrow, at class, perhaps we will work it.

Sentence composition game.

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020

Oedipus and the sphinx.

Apart of Hercules and his labours, there are many other interesting legends in ancient Greek. Today I want to talk about one of my favourites: Oedipus and the sphinx.

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Oedipus and the Sphinx. Old Greek pottery.
Oedipus was a very intelligent man. Since he was a child he had walked all Greece roads learning and discovering secrets. He was extremely curious, and he loved riddles and difficult questions with no easy answer. One day he was travelling to Tebas, an ancient Greek city; when suddenly, in the very midst of a rocky path, a terrifying monster appeared. It was the sphinx: a being with the head of a woman, the body of a lion and wings. It was a bloodthirsty and cruel beast. The sphinx also loved riddles and questions, and knowing Oedipus, she set him a question, a famous riddle which even today is well known:

"Who is that being which when is just born cannot walk; later walks on four legs; then it uses two; and finally it must walk on three?"

After thinking a bit, Oedipus gave the answer. Can you?


Now, we are dealing with "clothing". Very soon I will let here some games specifically designed for studying it. Meanwhile, play these ones:

Teddy dresser.

Clothing game Cloth line

Pirate game clothing


Crossword I

Clothes Educaplay

Dress up them!!

Memory game clothing

domingo, 9 de febrero de 2020

Hercules labours III. To kill the Nemean Lion.

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Hercules killing the Nemean Lion.
One day, Hercules was summoned by king Eurystheus, who gave him another labour: to kill the Nemean lion.

In Nemea, a town of ancient Greece, there was a giant lion, a man - eater. It was a formidable rival because its golden skin was immune to any weapon: nor swords, nor arrows nor spears could trespass it. Furthermore, its claws were stronger than any human knife. People was terrified by the creature, and they did not dare to go out of home. Some even were abandoning the town.

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Hercules with the lion
skin on his shoulders.
Hercules arrived to Nemea, and he proposed himself to hunt the lion. After some days he finally found the beast. With his bow and arrows he tryied to kill him; but he couldn't, because the resistance of the skin. So, he decided to let the bow aside, and with his own hands he choked the animal, killing it by asphyxia.

Then, Hercules skinned the lion and he used the fur as a cloak. For this reason, in many representations Hercules appears like a very strong man with a lion skin on this shoulders.

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020


Hercules labours II. Augean stables.

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Hercules diverting the river towards
the Augean stables.
Other task which Hercules had to achieve was the cleaning of Augean stables.

Augeas was king in old Greece. He had a very wide stable; and he had never cleaned them. A lot of manure piled there, and nobody dared to face the task.

Hercules was conmined to clean the stables, but only in ONE DAY. An imposible work, even for a hero. Fortunately Hercules, apart of strong, was intelligent. He went to the mountains and he diverted a river directly to the stables. Thus, the water of the river cleaned them, and Hercules could finish his work in a single day.