jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020


Today I want to start a new didactic unit. It is related to "Tools". Click on this link and learn:


miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

House furniture game.

A very nice game for studying house furniture:

House furniture.

Review of actions.

I let you here some matieral for reviewing actions:

Actions form I to IX

And some new games:

British council actions I  With two new actions: Hop (a kind of jump) and skip (the jump we do with the skipping rope. Skipping rope = comba)

British council actions II  Also with two new actions:  shout (the same as scream), follow (to go behind a person, going where he / she goes) and hide (to stay out of the vision of somebody)

Memory game

And finally this activity which I have just prepared for you. Originally was for 6th course... But I think you can do it:

Actions on sentences.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

House and Furniture games.

I let you here some games for studying house furninture. Today I will upload a new video for you.

Memory game I With two new words: cupboard (capbord) and bookcase (buckeis)

Things at the kitchen. With some new ones (from left to right): bowl, chopsticks, bottle, tray, straw and saucepan.

Resultado de imagen de bowlResultado de imagen de chopsticksResultado de imagen de bottle
Resultado de imagen de trayResultado de imagen de strawResultado de imagen de saucepan

Things at home With two new words: rug (it is the same that "doormat") and box.

Things at home II

Things at home word roulette

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020