jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Car parts. Dialogue.

A family goes on holidays. Ginger, the mum; John, the father; Shelly, the daughter; and Peter, the son. The mum is going to drive.

Listen to the audio:

Here you have the transcription:

Ginger: John! Where did you let my sun glasses?
John: I think they are at the golve box. Look there.
Ginger: I have already look inside, and there aren't there!
John: Humm... I don't know. Maybe under the seat...
Ginger: Yes, they're here. Ok. Seat belt... adjusted. Rear mirrors... Adjusted. Petrol... Petrol!
John: What's going on with petrol?
Ginger: We have no petrol!
John: Not so bad, Darling! We can stop at the petrol station, and all solved.
Ginger: Yes, John, all solved. But you never put gas when you use the car.
John: Ginger, please, do not get angry. It's our first day of holidays.
Ginger: Ok. That's right. I don't want to argue you. But...
Shelly: Mum, when do we arrive?
Ginger: Shelly, we have just sit on the car!
Peter: I'm hungry.
Ginger: Arggghhhh! I can't abide this anymore. Everyone out of the car! Now!
John: But darling.
Ginger: We don't go on holidays!

And now the questions:

  1. Where is the family?
  2. Where were the sun glasses?
  3. Who is going to drive the car? The mum or the dad?
  4. Is there enough petrol on the gas tank? (enogh: suficiente)
  5. In your opinion, Ginger, the mum, has got a good or a bad character?
  6. What happens (sucede) at the end? Does the family go on holidays? (holidays: vacaciones)

Where: dónde
Who: quién.
What: qué.

21 comentarios:

  1. 1. Ginger, jonh, and Peter
    2. Under the seat
    3. Mum
    4. Yes
    5. Bad character
    Soy Raúl

    1. Ok. Quite good. Some corrections:
      1.- WHERE is the family. Where means "dónde". Where are they?
      4.- There isn't enough petrol. For this reason mum gets angry.
      6.- No answer.

      2 points.

  2. 1- in a car
    2- under de seat
    3- the mum
    4- no
    5- good
    6- yes

  3. Soy Saúl.
    1. In a car.
    2. Under the seat.
    3. The mum.
    4. No.
    5. She has got a bad character.
    6. No.

    1. Perfect, Saúl. Well done. Next time you can say "I'm Saul", and not "Soy Saúl". It is just a suggestion.

  4. 1- In a car.
    2- Under the seat.
    3- Who is to drive the car is the mum.
    4- No.
    5- A bad character.
    6- No.
    Soy Sergio.

    1. As I always say, good job, sir. Only one correction: at question 2, it is better to answer "the mum", and that's all. 4 points.

  5. 1.In a car
    2.Under the Seat
    3.The num
    5.A bad carácter

    Soy Daniel

  6. 1.In a car
    2.Under the Seat
    3.The num
    5.A bad carácter

  7. 1-In a car.
    2-Under the Seat.
    3-The mum.
    5-The mum has got a bad carácter.
    6-The family don't go on holidays.

    1. Good, Adrián!! Well done. Only one correction: better to say "The family doesn't go on holidays". Family, with "doesn't" for negation.

  8. Soy Daniela
    1.In a car.
    2.Under the seat.
    3.The mum.
    5.The mum has got a bad carácter.
    6.No,the family don't go on holidays.

    1. Excelent job, Daniela! Next, time, you can say "I am Daniela", in English.

  9. Soy Hugo
    1. In a car.
    2. Under the Seat.
    3. The mum.
    4. No.
    5. The mundo has got a bad carácter.
    6. No.

  10. I am Javier

    1 In a car
    2 Under the seat
    3 The mum
    4 No
    5 She has got a bad character
    6 No
