viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Online games. Town parts.

Today I offer you some online games. Play them:

Town parts memory game. (easy)

Memory game. Hard. In this memory game some new vocabulary appears. Look at the pictures and try to remember them:

Church yard.

Building state.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Directions. 28 / 05 / 2020.

Hi again, children. Today I propose you to continue with directions. First do this worksheet.

Worksheet 1. It is very easy. You have to order different indications: go straight on, turn left and turn right.

And then do this other, one:

Town locations. A bit more complicated; but I think you can do it well.

Ah!! And congratulations to: 

Paula, Daniel, Hugo, Saúl, Aitor and Daniela. They carried out the excercise "directions" in a fine way.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Asking for and giving directions.

First look at the video:

And then try to do this worksheet. I know is difficult; but I think you can do it. Good luck!

Directions worksheet.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Town locations. A few games.

I have searched some games. It is only for playing: yo don't have to write or do nothing more:

Town parts memory game. Here you have a new word: book store (tienda de libros)

Crossword listening. With another new word: airport (aeropuerto)

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

A worksheet about towns.

Hi, children. I have found a new worksheet. Do it and send me to "".

Town parts worksheet.

Note: there are some places which I have not explained you at the video:

Post office: oficina postal (correos)
Theatre: teatro.
Departament store: tienda.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

Well done!!

Congratulations to Hugo, Daniela, Daniel, Saúl and Aitor. They did a great job in the worksheet "Town locations".

Daniela: At the second excercise, you had to WRITE the number; not to write yes / not. Overall, I can see you knew the words.


As I usually do, today I offer you a crossword. Play it at this link:

Town parts

Please: write the solutions of the crossword at "comentarios" For example:

1.- Bridge.
2.- Bus stop.
3.- Church.


  1. You go there for swimming.
  2. Where firemen work.
  3. Place where you go for having lunch, dinner... 
  4. Place where sick people go for getting cured. 
  5. Place from where a city is ruled. The Mayor works on there.
  6. At the town, place by where cars circulate.
  7. Construction which allows to pass over a river.
  8. Building where children learn Maths, Science, English... A lot of teachers inside it.
  9. Place where people go for praying. It usually has a tower and bells.
  10. In a city, place with trees, plants and grass. 
  11. Place where you can save (or get) money. 

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Miércoles, 20 de Mayo.

Hi children. Today you have to watch this video. It is about town parts:

And then play these games:

Town parts I

Town parts II

And do this worksheet:

Town parts

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

At the toilet.

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:

- Dad!!! Dad!!!
- Yes, Peter? Tell me.
- Dad, the water at the shower is very cold!!! Did you start the washing machine?
- Yes, Peter. Sorry.
- Ok. It doesn't matter. I have finished.

- Dad!!! Dad!!!
- Yes, Peter?
- Where are the towels?
- Ups! Sorry, Peter. They are dirty (sucias). Dry yourself with the hair dryer!
- With the hair dryer? Are you crazy?
- Peter! I am your father. Don't call me this!
- That's right. I will dry myself with toitlet paper. Thanks for nothing.

- Dad!!! Dad!!!
- Yes, Peter? What's going on now?
- Dad, I don't find the deodorant. Nor the comb. Where are they?
- Ups! Sorry, Peter. Your mother took them yesterday. Aren't they next to the washbasin?
- Noooo!
- Humm... I don't know where they are. Comb with your fingers!
- And the deodorant?
- Today, without deodorant, Peter.


1.- In which part of the house is Peter?

        a) Kitchen.            b) Toilet)             c) Bedroom.

2.- What problem has Peter with the water?

        a) It's very cold               b) It's very hot            c) It smells badly.

3.- Why the water is very cold?

       a) Because there is no gas on the water heater.

       b) Because the father has opened a tap in the kitchen.

       c) Because the washing machine is working.

4.- What happen with the towels?

         a) They are dirty.             b) The dog ate them.          c) They are wet.

5.- The father suggests Peter to dry himself with...

         a) Toilet paper.                b) With the curtains.           c) With the hair dryer.

6.-  Finally Peter dries himself with...       

        a) Toilet paper.                 b) With the curtains.           c) With the hair dryer.

7.- Peter can't find the comb nor the deodorant. Who took these items from the toilet?

         a) Shelly, the sister.         b) John, the father.              c) The mother.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Things at the toilet.

Hi, children. Today I have prepared for you a worksheet related to things at the toilet. Do it:

Things at the toilet

If you don't remember the words, play these games again:

Things at the toilet I

Things at the toilet II

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Things at the toilet. Crossword.

I have prepared for you a crossword about "things at the toilet". Play it:

Things at the toilet.

If you prefer, you can answer it on this entrance. The words are: alcohol, waterspray, toothpaste, tweezers, deodorant, comb, hair dyier, plunger, toothbrush, cottonbud and razor.

  1. Instrument which sprays water.
  2. Substance which we put on the toothbrush for brushing our teeth.
  3. Instrument withwhich we can brush our teeth.
  4. Hygienic product which avoids bad smell on your armpits.
  5. hygienic product, composed by a stick and two cotton tips, used for clenaing nose, ears, etc.
  6. Appliance used for drying hair.
  7. Instrument made of metal, small, with two arms, which is used for removing small hairs.
  8. Tool used for unblock pipes when they're obstructed.
  9. Disinfecting liquid, used at wounds. Inflammable.
  10. Instrument withwhich we can save the beard. Also for saving legs or armpits.
  11. Instrument withwhich we can fix our hair.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

A new worksheet.

Hi, children. Today I offer you a new worksheet. It is also about actions. Very easy. You will finish it in only 1 minute. Send it to me at "".

Actions negative.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Things at the toilet.

Hi, children. Today we start a new didactic unit. Because we are at home, I have decided to contiune talking about things we can find there. Today, I want to show you items at the toilet:

And a pair of activities to start learning vocabulary:

Things at the toilet I

Things at the toilet II

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020


Hi, children. Today I propose you an online activity about actions. It is like an exam. Do it. When you finish, you have to send the answer to my e mail:

English activity.

Traducción. No suelo traducir nunca los ejercicios: pero hoy, por ser algo nuevo, voy a hacerlo.

Tenéis que pinchar en el enlace "English activity". Al hacerlo entraréis en una página. Hacéis la actividad, y cuando acabéis, os aparecerá una ventana como ésta:

En ella escribís vuestro nombre (primer espacio), el curso (segundo espacio), la asignatura (tercer espacio)) y por último, y muy importante, la dirección de e-mail que os he refereido antes: Así las actividades me llegarán y podré corregirlas.

I let you some vocabulary you  probably need to know for doing the excercise:

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