viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

English. Friday, 5 / 6 / 20. Money.

Hi, children.

First of all, congratulations to all people who did the worksheet: Adrián, Daniela, Daniel, Javi, Aitor, Hugo and Saúl. Well done. All the exercises are quite well done.

For today, I propose you a game on cerebriti. You have to drag each word on the correct image.

New vocabulary:

Stock market: bolsa (lugar donde se hacen negocios internacionales)
Mortage: hipoteca
Bank branch: oficina bancaria.
Bank cheque: cheque bancario.
Pocquet money: paga.
stamp: sello.
Pound: libra (moneda del Reino Unido)
Dollar: dólar (moneda de los Estados Unidos)

This is the link where you can play it:


10 comentarios:

  1. Aitor Indias Álvarez5 de junio de 2020, 11:33

    Hello David, I have already done the exercises.

  2. Hello David, I have already done the exercises.

  3. Hello David!I'm Daniel
    I have already done the exercises

  4. Hello,David! I'm Saúl.
    I have already done the exercise.

  5. Hello, David! I'm Hugo.
    I have already done the exercise.

  6. Hello David i'm Paula
    I have already done the exercises

  7. Hello David i'm Daniela.
    I have already done the exercises

  8. Hi David ! I have already done the exercises.
